Every process in your body runs on energy provided by Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Your body uses three production systems to make this energy.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, commonly referred to as tapping, was pioneered in the 1990s by Gary Craig as a mind-body therapy that integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with somatic stimulation of energy pathways within the body. Studies show it to be effective at relieving anxiety as well as related conditions like phobias and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Techniques, or tapping, is a self-help therapy practice involving touching specific acupuncture points on the face and body with your fingertips. Positive affirmations may also help neutralize any uncomfortable feelings or concerns. Research shows that EFT may help relieve stress, reduce cravings and enhance performance at work and sports; even helping reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
EFT works on the principle that emotional trauma causes blockages or imbalances in energy flow through the meridian system, says Roseann Capanna-Hodge, a licensed professional counselor and certified school therapist. By tapping these points with your fingertips to restore balance and allow energy flow again to address physical and emotional issues effectively.
EFT tapping technique can be done either alone or with assistance from a practitioner who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy or another form of mental health treatment such as counseling or psychotherapy. A recent study of 203 participants who attended clinical EFT training workshops discovered that those who practiced EFT experienced lower heart rates, blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone).
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of acupressure.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to as tapping, are psychological acupressure methods which utilize energy meridians similar to traditional Chinese acupuncture. By tapping these points, tapping may balance disruptions within your energy system and relieve emotional and physical distress as well as physical pain.
Tapping on various acupressure points throughout the body – including head and face points – while discussing any problems aloud can help identify root causes of any issues while simultaneously focusing on one issue at a time for maximum results.
Emotional Freedom Techniques is an efficient and safe method of relieving stress. It is especially helpful for managing PTSD and anxiety symptoms, and may also treat other conditions, including phobias, mild depression, panic attacks and physical symptoms resulting from emotional influences – like chronic pain or headaches. EFT practitioners or self-taught individuals may use EFT.
EFT is a self-help technique.
Individuals employ many strategies to combat stress and anxiety. Some might try meditation, writing in a journal, scheduling massage therapy appointments or visiting their preferred acupuncturist; or perhaps Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as tapping).
EFT operates under the assumption that emotional stress disrupts energy flow in our bodies, and practicing tapping on specific meridian points around your face and body to recite a particular phrase while doing so will restore this flow.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of EFT for alleviating psychological distress and improving health outcomes, with one publication from 2016 comparing clinical EFT to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Studies using EFT showed significantly less psychological distress and more positive outcomes for patients utilizing it versus receiving CBT alone. Another research project with war veterans and active military with PTSD found that participants who attended coaching sessions using EFT experienced significantly improved PTSD symptoms within one month; researchers suggested this may have been made possible due to EFT’s ability to quickly reduce impactful memories or incidents on emotional health and physical well-being.
EFT is a form of therapy.
People often resort to various techniques in an attempt to manage their emotions, including medication, exercise and self-healing methods such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT therapy in combination with licensed therapists has proven itself an effective tool in alleviating anxiety, depression, improving performance, easing cravings and decreasing fears as well as more.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) takes an Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) perspective on change by helping individuals understand and make sense of their emotional experience through awareness, expression, regulation, reflection, transformation and corrective experience, all within an empathically attuned relationship that facilitates these processes.
Studies demonstrate the efficacy of EFT to significantly decrease PTSD and anxiety while simultaneously decreasing physiological indicators like RHR, blood pressure and cortisol levels. EFT can also significantly decrease cravings associated with substance addictions like drug and alcohol dependency. EFT has been found to be generally safe and has proven itself effective across various populations, settings and delivery formats such as clinics and hospitals as well as being widely employed via telehealth providers, group therapy sessions via video conferencing as well as individual counseling sessions.