If you are considering undergoing surgery for a child’s penis, you should be aware of the recovery process. While some children do not require any time off from school after circumcision, some may experience some pain during the first week or two after the procedure. After a circumcision, your child will be able to exercise a little more after the procedure, but you should avoid vigorous activities, such as sports or physical education for a few days. The next step is to contact the doctor’s office to find out when your child can resume normal activities.
Although there are few long-term morbidity figures for circumcision, these complications are preventable. A significant number of individuals believe that circumcision is harmful, but there are no solid studies that show such an effect. The best approach is to choose an experienced practitioner who has extensive experience in this procedure. This way, you will have a surgeon who is familiar with the risks involved. You will also be more likely to avoid a surgical error that can result in death.
The cost of circumcision depends on the type of anaesthesia, the length of time taken, and the procedure. Your doctor will explain the recovery process and discuss your options with you. After the procedure, you will need to follow certain guidelines to ensure your safety and hygiene. You may experience some bleeding and some swelling after surgery, but this will settle after a few days. You will most likely take pain medication to manage your discomfort after the procedure.
Generally, you should take your child’s prescription pain medication as prescribed. It is okay to take an ice pack after the surgery, but do not overdo it. In the first 24 hours, you may not be able to bathe your child. It is also important to keep the incision clean. If your child has an infection, you should see a doctor right away. If you have any concerns, call your child’s surgeon.
The child must be accompanied by a parent, or a guardian. A parent may give written permission for the procedure. During surgery, a local anesthetic is injected near the base of the penis. The foreskin is then cut away from the head of the penis. The surgery generally takes less than an hour. The procedure should only be a couple of hours. In most cases, the child will feel no pain during the procedure.
There are three types of surgical methods for circumcision. The Clamp and Shield methods require a dorsal slit in the foreskin. After the clamp is firmly placed around the foreskin, the skin will die. The remaining skin should reattach to the shaft. If bleeding is persistent, a small suture of polyglycolic acid is needed. If this is not an option, you should consult with a plastic surgeon.