Whether you suffer from a crowded mouth or have a problem with your bite, you might want to consider a dental oral device. These devices are similar to mouthguards, but they are customized and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are one-piece devices, while others have separate upper and lower pieces. Most are adjustable in terms of jaw extension, and they may be molded by the dentist. If you’re considering a MAD, make sure to talk with your dentist for the right fit.
In the past year, the Mayo Clinic Dental Specialties department and the Center for Sleep Medicine have provided more than 240 oral appliances to patients. After initial consultation, dental impressions are taken. The devices are manufactured in U.S. laboratories. A fitting takes place shortly after the devices arrive. The patient is educated about proper use and care of the oral device. They are usually required for a period of four weeks. Ultimately, an oral device is a permanent solution for the most common problems that occur during sleep.
The use of an oral device can cure a number of health conditions, including sleep apnea and snoring. It is an easy-to-use, portable option that has been proven to cure a variety of problems. These devices have also become a front-line treatment option. There are a variety of different types of oral appliances on the market, each designed to solve a particular problem. If you’d like to find a device that fits you and your mouth, consider an OASYS device. The OASYS oral appliance has both a nasal dilator and throat-opening components. They maximize the benefits of oral appliance therapy.
Another dental oral device is useful for patients with sleep apnea. These devices are custom-made for the patient’s mouth, and they can improve the quality of sleep, lessen snoring, and prevent breathing cessations. Compared to CPAP machines, oral appliances have a high compliance rate. These devices are also recommended for those who suffer from severe cases of sleep apnea.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, your dentist may recommend an oral appliance for your condition. This appliance, similar to an orthodontic retainer, moves the base of the tongue forward to open the airway and improve breathing. It can also help those who suffer from snoring or other sleep disorders. A dental oral device may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your dentist as soon as possible.
Despite its effectiveness in treating sleep apnea, dental devices cannot replace CPAP therapy. Instead, they are an additional treatment option that should be considered as a backup plan. In a European Respiratory Journal study, oral appliances improved the quality of sleep for people with obstructive sleep apnea. Further research has also confirmed the effectiveness of dental oral devices. However, it should be noted that CPAP therapy is the best option for patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. Although CPAP therapy is effective, it requires commitment on the part of the patient.