The fitness and health promotion degree from Cambrian College prepares learners for a career that helps others achieve their goals. Coursework focuses on health and wellness, including nutrition, fitness assessment, and recreation management. A hands-on learning approach is integral to the program, with courses that include field trips, gamification software, and fitness equipment. The program concludes with a community field placement. Its benefits include:
The new program is modeled after Army guidelines and has expanded the definition of health and fitness programs. The updated policy allows employees to pursue health and fitness goals up to three hours a week and 80 hours a year. In addition to extending employee time off to exercise and fitness, the new policy allows employees to use administrative leave to pursue fitness and health goals. It also allows AMCOM to implement worksite fitness programs. These programs have the potential to improve the health and well-being of AMCOM employees and boost their productivity.
The fitness industry is constantly evolving. The demand for health and fitness professionals continues to increase. A career in fitness and health promotion will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work in diverse environments. Fitness and health promotion graduates are prepared for many career paths, including teaching, kinesiology, and athletic training. In addition to providing students with a broad knowledge of exercise science and nutrition concepts, the program also prepares them for a variety of front-line, direct-client positions.
Students pursuing a degree in fitness and health promotion are prepared to prescribe exercise programs to improve fitness and prevent or treat chronic illnesses. These professionals can also lead worksite wellness programs and lead chronic disease patients in improving their health and fitness. A strong foundation in kinesiology and anatomy prepares students to conduct exercise prescriptions and promote fitness in the workplace. Once graduates have a degree in fitness and health promotion, they will be able to promote healthy living throughout the community.
The benefits of physical activity include improved heart health, weight control, and stress relief. Physical activity can also improve mood, and stimulate brain chemicals that are associated with happiness and well-being. Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and nurses should encourage patients to exercise to maintain their health. They can also give lifestyle recommendations to help patients make positive changes in their health. For example, nurses can encourage patients to try walking, jogging, or swimming as a means of staying fit and active.
While most people believe being fit and healthy are synonymous, they are in fact different states of being. Physical fitness and healthy can be achieved separately, but they work best when balanced. According to the World Health Organization, health is “complete physical, mental, and social well-being, free from disease and pain.”